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OF Ambassadors

We are excited to launch a formal process for recruiting Ambassadors from across the global OF community to help us organise more of the social aspects of the Old Felstedian Society.


Meet our Ambassadors

You can get in touch with our Felsted Ambassadors by completing the form below. If you need any assistance please contact the Old Felstedian Office: or call +44(0)1371 822645. Thank you.

Ambassador Enquiry Form

LeadershipThe OF Ambassador role has been created to appoint individuals who can provide leadership in helping to fulfil the many social activities of the Old Felstedian Society. 

Freedom Ambassadors will have the freedom to develop their group in an inclusive way to benefit as many OFs as possible but will not be expected to join the OF Society Committee. This may involve organising social events within their group or providing advice, support and mentoring. 

CommunicationThe primary role of Ambassadors will be to communicate with members of their group. The Old Felstedian Office will be on hand to provide support and guidance. 

TeamworkThe role of leading a group can be shared with others and an existing OF group who already gather socially could be expanded. 

VolunteerWe are seeking volunteers to act as Ambassadors in the following areas: 

5-year Social Groups

To keep in touch with OFs in their 5-Year-Group (e.g. 2000 - 2005 leavers) by communicating with them at least once a year, encouraging them to attend relevant events and reporting their news to the Old Felstedian Office. 

Sports Groups

There are a number of active OF Sports Clubs/Groups with leaders who are already acting as Ambassadors and organising events for their Club/Group.

University Groups

A second or third year student to become the Ambassador for their particular university and help to advise and support OF freshers in their first year, as well as organising events for OFs at their university.

Professional / Industry

You can offer to help others in the OF community via

Geographic Groups

We already have members acting as Ambassadors in Cambridge, Hong Kong and California who keep in contact with OFs in their area and organise local events, but we would love more! This group will be coordinated by Nicholas Hinde (Felsted Staff 1970-2004).