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Sport BTEC

Sport BTEC

Head of Department: Ms C Rudd
Contact Details:  

Twitter: @felstedsport



Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel
Syllabus Code: 603/0458/3

Why study BTEC Sport?

BTEC Sport allows students a flexible, unit based approach to learning which particularly suits students who wish to follow a career in the £28bn sport and leisure industry. Learners will develop a range of practical skills relating to the sports industry such as leadership.   

Expectations of independent study

Pupils are expected to allocate three hours per week to independent study on top of the two hours per week of set prep. This will include two pieces of assessed written work – normally based around examination questions.

Pupils should conduct their own research, reading and investigation into areas of particular interest. They are encouraged to interact with the Department Google Classroom where articles, videos and events are publicised and discussed. Pupils are encouraged to take books from the extensive department library and watch recommended documentaries in order to extend their knowledge of the subject beyond the specification.


Whilst a GCSE in Physical Education is recommended, it is not essential.

I really enjoyed getting the opportunity to coach my favourite sport. The practical lessons are great fun.

What career pathways are open to me if I study  this subject?

You have a wealth of options with a BTEC Sport qualification. It is  accepted by over 150 UK universities for entrance onto most degree courses  due to the wide range of study skills required to be a successful BTEC student.  

Employers also highly regard the vocational nature of the course and appreciate students’ holistic development of the practical, interpersonal and thinking skills required to be able to succeed in employment.  

The obvious direct pathways include sports based careers from a number  of different therapies, management, administration to coaching; however recent pupils leaving with BTEC Sport qualifications are studying a range of subjects from Business Management  to Fashion.


Diploma (Equivalent to 2 A Levels)
9 modules across 2 years
3 x External Exams;  
6 x Internally Assessed Units


External Exams:

Unit 1 Anatomy and Physiology  
Unit 2  Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being  
Unit 22 Investigating Business in Sport and the Active Leisure Industry  

Internally Assessed Units:

Unit 3 Professional Development in the Sports Industry 
Unit 4 Sports Leadership 
Unit 5 Application of Fitness Testing 
Unit 6 Sports Psychology 
Unit 17 Sports Injury Management 
Unit 23 Skill Acquisition 

Extended Certificate (Equivalent to 1 A Level)

4 modules across 2 years 
2 x External Exams; 
2 x Internally Assessed Units

External Exams:

Unit 1  Anatomy and Physiology
Unit 2 Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being

Internally Assessed Units:

Unit 3 Professional Development in the Sports Industry 
Unit 5 Application of Fitness Testing 


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