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Physical Education

Physical Education

Head Of Department: Ms C Rudd
Contact Details:  


A Level

Exam Board: AQA
Syllabus Code: 7582    

Why study Physical Education?
Sport is all around us – it pervades all areas of society whether we like it or not, and Felsted is no different. Every lesson will result in pupils discussing examples of theory being applied in their everyday life, varying from the relevance of dietary supplements in Exercise Physiology to effective strategies for managing competitive anxiety in Sports Psychology.

The PE Department is at the forefront of the school’s use of mobile learning and pupils will find themselves flipping roles regularly, being expected to lead the learning of their classmates on a specific topic.

In choosing PE, you will learn many additional skills on top of your academic learning, such as how to observe, analyse and provide effective feedback – skills that are eminently transferable to Higher Education and the workplace.

You will be expected to evaluate several points of view, arrive at a conclusion and use evidence to justify your statements. Ultimately, many of the problems you are presented with have multiple solutions; you will develop your problem solving skills to identify the best course of action. A Level PE pupils learn what it means to work as part of a team and how to lead that team effectively.

Expectations of independent study
Pupils are expected to allocate three hours per week to independent study on top of the two hours per week of set prep. This will include two pieces of assessed written work – normally based around examination questions. Pupils should conduct their own research, reading and investigation into areas of particular interest. They are encouraged to interact with the department google classrooms where articles, videos and events are publicised and discussed. Pupils are encouraged to take DVDs and books from the extensive department library in order to extend their knowledge of the subject beyond the specification.

A 5 in GCSE English and in Double Science or at least two individual Sciences. Previous study of GCSE Physical Education is strongly recommended.  

What do the pupils say?
The majority of A Level PE pupils identify PE as their favourite subject!
“I find the scientific side of the course fascinating; the way our body adapts to enable us to exercise is amazing.”
“I love the way we learn. No two lessons are ever the same – I’ve had to teach the whole class and role play a red blood cell!”
“I loved the Upper Sixth coursework; analysing my own performance was really interesting.”
“PE students tend to be competitive and the teachers regularly call upon this to push us to achieve our potential.”

What career pathways are open to me if I study  this subject?
You can go anywhere with A Level PE. It is accepted by all Russell Group Universities for entrance onto all degree courses as they are aware of the wide range of academic skills required to be successful. Employers rate the diverse nature of the syllabus as it indicates a pupil is capable of thinking in more than one way. The obvious direct pathways include Physiotherapy, Professional Coaching and a myriad of Sports Science careers. However recent A Level PE pupils are currently studying an enormous range of careers from Business Management to Law, Banking to Zoology and Medicine.


Paper 1 35%
2 hour written exam 
Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport, which covers:
Anatomy and physiology
Skill acquisition
Sport in society

Paper 2 35%
2 hour written exam 
Factors affecting optimal performance in physical activity  and sport, which covers:
Exercise physiology and biomechanics
Sports psychology
Technology in sport

Non-exam assessment 30%
Assessment of performance in  one sport as a player or coach  in a fully competitive context,  plus a written observation and analysis task. These are assessed over the duration of the course  and moderated in U6.  

The staff have a fantastic amount of knowledge and are really passionate when they share it with us in lessons.

Annabel and Rory, L6 pupils


Two Felsted boarders in casual clothes in nook of bunk bed chatting.

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