Media Studies
Head Of Department: Mr M Crossley
Contact Details:
A Level
Exam Board: Eduqas
Syllabus Code: B680QS
Why study Media Studies?
The media plays a central role in our lives today: media products are global in reach and they’re at our fingertips. Not only does the media provide us with entertainment and ways to communicate, but it helps to shape our views of the world through its representations of social groups and issues. Studying Media Studies at A Level is, therefore, critically exploring the key issues and industries that dominate our everyday lives.
Expectations of independent study
Pupils will be expected to explore a range of different types of media outside of the classroom. One of the most exciting parts of the course is the cross-media coursework, in which pupils are asked to create two media products. In order to produce high-quality work, pupils will need to be creative, committed and organised. They will need to become familiar with the way a range of existing media products work as well as.
Alongside the production element, there is a large body of theory that will underpin all of the course content. Pupils will be expected to spend time consolidating their understanding of this and applying it to the set-products.
Pupils will be required to attain a minimum of a grade 5 in English Language at GCSE.
What do the pupils say?
“Media Studies is so full of variety, from music videos to newspapers, magazines, social media and advertising. We really learn how this important part of the modern world works.”
“I love the diversity that Media Studies covers. I enjoy Media Studies lessons because we look at such a variety of interesting texts, from a Beyoncé music video to The Daily Telegraph.”
What career pathways are open to me if I study this subject?
Media industries employ large numbers of people worldwide and generate significant global profit. Taking Media Studies at A Level may lead to a career in Marketing, Advertising, Television, Film, Online Media...the list is endless. Media Studies A Level also provides a good number of transferable skills such as the ability to critically evaluate, which lend themselves to careers in Law and Journalism.
Paper 1 35%
Media Products, Industries and Audiences
Exam – 2 hours, 15 minutes
Paper 2 35%
Media Forms and Products in Depth
Exam - 2 hours, 30 minutes
Paper 3 30%
Non Examined-Assessment (Internally marked/externally moderated)
Cross-Media Production
You get the chance to create your own videos and magazine covers, which I really enjoyed
Louisa, L6 pupils