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Mathematics / Further Maths

Mathematics / Further Maths

Head of Department: Mr M Campbell
Contact Details:


IB - Mathematics

Mathematics is a compulsory part of the IB Diploma Programme. There are two different courses available: Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches and Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation. Each course can be studied at Standard Level, and we also offer the Analysis and Approaches course at Higher level. You should choose the level that best suits your ability.

Why study Mathematics?
Mathematics is an international language. For many, Mathematics is the tool for use in other areas of study, while some see the subject as an adventure in reasoning and proof, with its own special aesthetics. Whatever your perception, it is undoubtedly the foundation for advancement in the real world, for example in engineering, finance and commerce, science and technology, to name but a few. Everyone is touched by the subject, from counting your change when shopping to understanding the world of finance, from measuring up for your new garden fence to calculating the interest payable on your mortgage: Mathematics is everywhere.

The importance of Mathematics in the world and the prevalence of the subject in your daily life provides a clear structure and sufficient rationale for making the study of this subject compulsory within the IB diploma.

Where will it lead me?
While it is clearly an essential foundation for a degree in Maths, Engineering and many of the Sciences, it is also highly valuable for Economics, Psychology, Business Studies and Accountancy. Further than this, its inherent logic make it attractive to potential lawyers, while for any subject such as Geography or IT which uses data analysis, the mathematical skills are  invaluable.

Other key skills you will develop are logical thinking, problem-solving and numeracy, as well as the ability to conceptualise and manipulate formulae. You will require a graphic display calculator, obtainable from the School Bookshop.

Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches
This is intended for students who wish to pursue studies in Mathematics at university or subjects that have a large mathematical content; it is for students who enjoy developing mathematical arguments, problem solving and exploring real and abstract applications, with and without technology. The course is a development from the old HL and SL subjects. Naturally, the HL course explores each topic area in more depth and the style of the problem set is more demanding. The following topics are studied:
Number and algebra    
Statistics and Probability
Geometry and trigonometry

Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation
This is designed for students who enjoy describing the real world and solving practical problems using mathematics; those who are interested in harnessing the power of technology alongside exploring mathematical models and enjoy the more practical side of mathematics. The SL course will be developed from the old Mathematical Studies SL and as such is designed for those who find Mathematics more challenging or really don’t enjoy it. The HL course will be new content, including elements of the current HL statistics and discrete courses. The following topics are studied:
Number and algebra    
Statistics and Probability
Geometry and trigonometry


Each HL course is assessed by three externally assessed papers and the internal assessment.

Each SL course is assessed by two externally assessed papers and the internal assessment.

The internal assessment is based on a current Mathematical exploration. This is a piece of written work that involves investigating an area of Mathematics.



A Level

Exam Board: Edexcel
Syllabus Code: 9MA0

Expectations of independent study
The teaching is shared between two teachers and pupils should expect up to two hours work per teacher per week, to be completed outside of the lessons. Tasks may be set to consolidate understanding from the lessons, to provide the opportunity to conduct independent research or to make links between the current subject matter and material covered much earlier in the course. The teacher will formally assess one piece of work per week.

At least a 7 and preferably an 8 or 9 at GCSE.

Why is it interesting?
Quite apart from its many applications to the natural world, Mathematics is of interest in and of itself. Rigorous proof for example is only to be found within Mathematics, so that one can know the result which follows with certainty. Mathematical models can be used throughout mechanics and statistics and as such Mathematics is an incredibly powerful tool to apply to real-life problems.

What skills will I develop by studying this subject?
Pupils will develop their ability to construct rigorous mathematical arguments and learn how to form mathematical proofs. The ability to use clear mathematical notation and language will be developed in some depth, as will the ability to solve complex problems. Pupils should develop a deep appreciation of the applicability of Mathematic to areas such as mechanics and statistics and learn various different techniques to describe real-life phenomenon Mathematically.

What do the pupils say?
“A Level Maths is hard work but great fun.” 
“Developing my ability to solve problems and think logically will really help me in my future studies.”

What career pathways are open to me if I study  this subject?
An A Level in Mathematics is very highly regarded by prospective employers and is a prerequisite for many science-based university courses. Mathematics easily lends itself to a career in Finance, Management, Engineering, Science, Education and many other areas.


Pure Mathematics
Two 2 hour papers, each worth a third

Applied Mathematics 33.3%
One 2 hour paper, split equally between Statistics and Mechanics

It’s good being intellectually challenged and I enjoy seeing how Maths can be used in the real world. 
Ed, L6 pupil



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