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English Literature

English Literature

Head Of Department: Ms A MacMillan
Contact Details:  
Twitter: @English_Felsted

A Level - English Literature

Exam Board: Edexcel
Syllabus Code: 9ET0

Why study English?
The study of English Literature will help you to understand the complexity of the human condition, to appreciate other people’s views and experiences and to challenge conventional ideas through intellectual curiosity.  

This course is rewarding for pupils who have a love of literature in all its diverse forms, and who take pleasure in discussing and debating their interpretations with others. As we speculate on how English will evolve over the coming years, there needs to be a strong voice for the pleasure principle and the joy of words.

Expectations of independent study
At A Level pupils will be expected to read set texts independently outside of the classroom. One of the most exciting parts of the course is the opportunity to compare two texts of your own choosing for your coursework essay. In order to make an informed decision, it is vital that A Level pupils see reading as a leisure pursuit and that they commit to reading varied, high-quality literature texts in their spare time.  

A fundamental part of A Level study is the ability to engage critically and creatively with texts and to respond to the ideas of others. It is therefore important that, alongside reading texts, you read critical essays written by academics in the field.

Pupils will be required to attain a minimum of two grade 6s in English Language and English Literature at GCSE. Pupils should not be deterred from studying English Literature at A Level if they are likely to perform better in English Language at GCSE as the skills are entirely transferable.

What do the pupils say?
“There is such a wide variety of things to discuss – we are always debating our interpretations.”
“I love seeing the words on the page come to life when we read them.” 
“The atmosphere is enjoyable and our teachers know how best to help us achieve our full potential.”

What career pathways are open to me if I study  this subject?
We believe that English is the ultimate facilitating subject. This is because of the undeniable value of being a competent reader and writer. The skills you gain through studying English Literature are marketable in almost any career area. For example, Marketing, Advertising, Teaching, Journalism, Public Relations, Law and many more.


Paper 1  30%  
Drama – Shakespeare/other drama text  

Paper 2  20%  
Prose – 2 prose texts (1 pre-1900)  

Paper 3  30%  
Poetry – Unseen/prescribed poetry      

Paper 4  20%  
Coursework –  Comparative essay (Internally marked/externally moderated)

I love seeing the words on the page come to life when we read them.Beth, L6 pupil




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