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English Language & Literature & Language B

English Language & Literature & Language B

Head Of Department: Ms A MacMillan
Contact Details:  


IB - English A Language and Literature

In this course, students study a wide range of literary and non-literary texts in a variety of media, including song lyrics and visual media. The central aim is that students explore the nature of language itself and the ways in which it shapes and is influenced by identity and culture.
Pupils study two (SL) or three (HL) literary texts for the written examination and a further two (SL) or three (HL) texts for the individual oral.

Internal Assessment: Individual Oral (15 minutes)  30% at SL 20% at HL  
This component consists of an individual oral which is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the course. Supported by an extract from both one non-literary body of work and one from a literary work, students will offer a prepared response of 10 minutes on a global issue of their choice. The commentary is followed by 5 minutes of questions and answers with the examining teacher.

Paper 1 Guided Textual Analysis 35%
(1 hour 15 minutes SL; 2 hours  15 minutes HL)
The paper consists of two non-literary passages, from two different text types, each accompanied by a question.  

At SL, students choose one passage and write an analysis of it; at HL, students write an analysis of each passage.

Paper 2 Comparative Essay 35% at SL (1 hour 45 minutes) 25% at HL
The paper consists of four general questions. In response to one question students write a comparative essay based on two literary works studied in the course.

HL Essay 20%
Students submit an essay on one non-literary body of work, or a literary work studied during the course. The text and focus of the essay is of the student’s choosing.

The essay must be 1,200-1,500 words in length.

IB - Language B



Language B is designed to be the study of a foreign language. Much of the course consists in developing language skills, and learning about the culture of the country whose language is being studied. It should not normally be taken by a native speaker of that language.

Students study two literary texts for their Individual Oral, which lasts 15 minutes.
In addition they take three papers in their final examinations:

  • Reading
  • Writing 
  • Listening

The course is written in such a way that students can create podcasts, videos as well as writing and reading projects under the umbrella of four topics:

  • Human Ingenuity
  • Identity
  • Sharing the planet
  • Experiences

This can be taken at Higher Level and Standard Level in German, Frnech, Spanish and Latin as well as English at Higher Level only.


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