Design and Technology
Head of Department: Mr M Cudjoe
Contact Details:
Twitter/X: @FelstedDT / Instagram:Felsted_DTE
IB - Design Technology
How good must I be?
It is useful for pupils to have had previous experience of working through design projects which may have included planning, researching, design development of ideas, evaluation of concepts as well as some practical skills. The assessment criteria for the project work at IB level will be based largely on these key areas.
Where will it lead me?
Where pupils may be considering a university or college course in science, applied science, technology, product design or engineering, IB Design Technology offers a suitable course of study.
Course structure
Standard Level covers a core specification which includes the teaching of the following subject areas:
Topic 1: Human factors & ergonomics
Topic 2: Resource management
Topic 3: Modelling
Topic 4: Raw material to final production
Topic 5: Innovation and design
Topic 6: Classic design
Higher Level also covers additional
subject areas such as:
Topic 7: User centred design
Topic 8: Sustainability
Topic 9: Innovation and markets
Topic 10: Commercial production
These topics are examined through the sitting of 2 examination papers at SL level and 3 exam papers at HL.
SL Exams:
Paper 1 30%
A multiple choice paper covering core material
Paper 2 30%
A more formal exam requiring essay style responses to questions based on the core material, as well as short answer responses to questions on the subject option choice
HL Exams:
Paper 1 20%
A multiple choice paper covering core topics and extension materials
Paper 2 20%
A more formal exam requiring essay style responses to questions based on the core topics
Paper 3 20%
Requires structured answer responses to questions on the HL extension material
A Design project – (HL & SL)
has to be completed involving planning, research, design work, making and evaluation.
A final Group 4 project 40% is also to be completed as part of a team including other group 4 subject candidates and is to be chosen by the pupils following guidance from subject teachers.
A Level - Design & Technology: Product Design
Exam Board: AQA
Syllabus Code: A Level 7552
Why study Design & Technology?
Pupils find the project work interesting as there is the freedom to choose their own product, which they can develop and manufacture. This freedom to design a product is a great motivator. Graphic and project management skills will be developed, as will practical skills in the dedicated D&T workshops.
Expectations of independent study
Pupils will need to work continuously on different Designing and Making practice projects throughout the first two terms. These will involve working with and understanding the performance characteristics of materials. The independent project will start later on in the year, that will require detailed analysis and continuous research. Background reading of the accompanying text book will also be necessary.
GCSE in Design & Technology at grade 5 and above.
What do the pupils say?
“The facilities are excellent.”
“There are lots of opportunities to do different designs!”
“We are well supported by teachers and technicians in the workshops.”
“I can now communicate my ideas using graphic techniques.”
What career pathways are open to me if I study this subject?The A Level course leads on well to courses in Engineering or Product Design – project work in the D&T Department gives pupils a head start in project management for when they do similar projects at university. Pupils wishing to follow Architectural product design or Engineering related courses at university can benefit from taking D&T A Level.
Paper 1
Written exam: 2 hours and 30 minutes
30% of A-Level
Technical principles
Paper 2
Written exam: 1 hours and 30 minutes
20% of A-Level
Designing and making principles
Non Examined Assessment (NEA)
Design and Make project
50% of A-Level
Written or digital design portfolio and photographic evidence of final prototype
I can now communicate my ideas using graphic techniques.
William, U6 pupil