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Computer Science

Computer Science

Head Of Department: Mr M White
Contact Details:

A Level - Computer Science

Exam Board: aqa
Syllabus Code: 7517
Why study Computer Science?
Computer Science is all about learning to reason. It can be seen as a series of puzzles with formal solutions. Computer Science is not concerned with simply learning how to use applications or programming languages. Instead, abstract thinking, general problem-solving, algorithmic and mathematical thinking are emphasised. The theory is demanding and wide ranging, moving quickly across a broad range of topics from the Turing Machine to databases and normalisation of floating point numbers to big data and programming paradigms. You need to be prepared to puzzle things out, to abstract information, to recognise patterns and to apply your knowledge.

Expectations of independent study
The syllabus will be delivered using a variety of teaching and learning methods, such as formal lessons, flipped learning, examination question practice, on-line learning sources, mini research projects and collaborative learning. Homework will be set on a regular basis.

For your NEA you will develop your own computing project - this is your project and you can choose what to do and what programming language/environment to use. This is excellent preparation for the sort of individual projects and dissertations that universities demand.

An interest in the subject is a must. Ideally pupils should have studied Computer Science at GCSE. However if you have not, you will be expected to demonstrate your coding skills using Python before starting the course. A grade 7 or above in Mathematics would indicate the ability to be successful in Computer Science.


What do the pupils say?
“Computer Science is a perfect mix of both theory and practical skills and strongly encourages you to think outside of the box”
“Work hard – the more you put in, the more you get out.”

What career pathways are open to me if I study this subject?
Computer Science is a traditional and academically rigorous subject which combines well with Maths and the Sciences. A level Computer Science students can go on to further studies in Computer Science, Game Design, Cybersecurity or any number of disciplines where analysis and problem solving are required.

Five out of the top ten jobs of the future are in computer science related fields:
Cyber security expert
Robotics engineer
Software developer
User experience designer
Data analyst


Subject Content
1. Fundamentals of programming
2. Fundamentals of data structures
3. Fundamentals of algorithms
4. Theory of computation
5. Fundamentals of data representation
6. Fundamentals of computer systems
7. Fundamentals of computer organisation and architecture
8. Consequences of uses of computing
9. Fundamentals of communications and networking
10. Fundamentals of databases
11. Big data
12. Fundamentals of functional programming

Paper 1 40%
An on screen exam tests a pupil’s ability to program, as well as their theoretical knowledge of Computer Science from subject content 1 to 4

Paper 2 40%
Tests a pupil’s ability to answer questions from subject content 5 to 12

Non-examined Assessment 20%
Assesses a pupil’s ability to use the knowledge and skills gained through the course to solve a practical problem. Pupils complete an investigative project on a topic of particular interest to them

Computer Science is a good background for the future.
Alexander, U6 pupil


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