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FortKnightley: The Importance of Guidance

FortKnightley: The Importance of Guidance

Felsted’s Director of Sport Blog ‘FortKnightley’ looks at sporting issues that are relevant today and will leave you all with something to think about. Follow on Twitter @dirfelstedsport 

The Importance of Guidance

The current situation we find ourselves has no doubt given us all the opportunity to all look at our sporting journey. It may be that you find yourself on hold in some way with academy sessions, training sessions and fixtures not running as normal. This has potentially tested the individuals motivation for sport and having guidance and support to maintain that drive that often came from constant participation could potentially be needed. 

This support can come in many forms and from many different directions, but for many it started at home. It made me personally think back to the hours of support I was given in my many sporting pursuits from my own parents. They spent hours in the back garden, taking me to trials/training sessions and supporting matches, as well as picking up the pieces after disappointment and keeping me grounded post success.  This was in my formative years such a key part to my sporting and individual development and I am sure this resonates with many of you. 

Image: Derek Redmond (with his father and coach), whose hamstring snapped during his 400m event but was determined to finish the race at the Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games.

As time develops the guidance and support is less technical and more emotional from a parental viewpoint as players meet more and more specialist coaches in the different sports. These coaches hopefully understand the multi-dimensional aspects of what makes up a successful athlete and the ethos and environment created allows all to reach their full potential. The most successful will have guidance and support from coaches and those close to home. Interviews with those competing at an elite level always make reference to an influential set of individuals who believed in them on their journey. 

It is important to appreciate and take on board all the guidance you receive on your journey from the many dedicated and talented coaches you meet. Having travelled the world with sport and in teaching it is clear that much of that key guidance comes from the education system and sets the pupils up for success in the many different areas they pursue whether in sport or other fields. For those giving the guidance, it can be several years before the penny drops or the principles laid down are fully appreciated, but keep believing they are listening sometimes! 

The principle of guidance is crucial as it hopefully doesn’t curb creativity and flair that reverting to telling and not guiding can do. There will always be good reasons for more directive messages on the sporting front, but we generally learn better from asking questions and putting guidance into practice. 

Charlie Knightley
Director of Sport


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