Felsted Finance & Insurance Network

Over 60 professionals attended the Felsted Finance & Insurance Network event at the City of London Club on Thursday 15 March. The evening was hosted by OF Rob Brown (fd74-84), Global CEO, AXA Corporate Solutions and Chris Townsend, Headmaster, Felsted School. 

The event proved to be a fantastic networking opportunity for current parents and OFs and inspired Felsted sixth form students to learn more about the diversity of professions within the sector.

It was the perfect way to meet and network with Old Felstedians as well as celebrate the success of the school as a whole! I have always thought about going into finance although I was never really sure what path to take to get into the field. The evening was extremely helpful in order for me to speak to professionals...it really made me understand that working in the financial sector could be a great possibility for me in the future.