Teaching and Learning Using Virtual Reality

by Mr R Dallas

Very excitingly we have been experimenting with virtual/augmented reality in the classroom using Class VR. Currently a joint Humanities and Science teaching venture, we have been allowing students to explore various aspects of their learning and understanding via immersive videos and explorable scenes. 

Why VR?
Research shows that we only remember 10% of what we read but 90% of what we experience which is why we feel this will be a fun, exciting and engaging additional approach to our teaching and learning. In addition to this, we hope that through these experiences pupils can boost their knowledge retention even further which will in turn boost their quiz, test and exam results.

How has it been used so far?
Currently we have used the devices for the Year 8 Learning leaders to host a workshop with the Year 2s where they experienced 360 degree scenes and pictures to enhance and enrich their learning with their (then) current topics of ‘African animals’ and ‘The Great Fire of London’. They were also showcased on open morning where the students were showing the visitors how they had been used to explore the digestive system.

What is happening this term?
We will be using the devices in many lessons across the year groups in the students’ Humanities and Science classes. One upcoming example is in Year 6 TEP with their learning and exploration of the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.  They will be able to explore a temple in recaptured Jerusalem that has just been won back in battle by the Maccabees from the Syrians in 164 BC. This in turn will allow them to establish an understanding for why and how this has led to a festival that is so essential to the Jewish faith in contemporary society.