Mindfulness in the Prep School

The Mindfulness Department.

Mindfulness is very much a part of our daily life in the Prep School. The three members of the team Mrs Lesley Green,Mr Alex Manley and myself have all been trained by the Mindfulness in Schools Project which enables us to deliver a quality provision of this important aspect of wellbeing.

In Years 3 and 4 ,there are Mindful Leaders who this week will be teaching finger breathing to their peers. Mr Manley will introduce the Paws B curriculum into the excellent PSHE programme later in the term.Finally the famous Scribble Club is up and running this week.

In Years 5 and 6 Mrs Green runs an activity each week which encourages the development of self regulation through mindful practice. Mrs Green also runs a support group based on some of the strategies from Mindfulness..

I teach breathe to different form groups throughout the term. I am also teaching a staff group so that there is an  ongoing programme of training going forward. Next half term I would like to restart a Parents group for Mindfulness and if you are interested there are details in this newsletter.

If there are any questions about any aspect of Mindfulness please contact me at the school .

Bernadette Short.