Media Studies: Sorting the Truth From the Lies

At Felsted, we want our students to complete their A Level studies feeling prepared and ready to face the challenges of their next stage in life, wherever that may take them. Media Studies is a subject that enables students to critically assess and discuss the world they engage in every day, giving them an excellent baseline of study and understanding ready for them to progress in their career choices. 

Media Studies is an engaging and exciting subject which shows Felsted students how much impact the consumption of media has on our society and us as individuals. We approach nine different forms of Media: from traditional forms like radio and newspapers, to huge new industries such as video games. This helps students to analyse and engage with a variety of formats, which in turn demonstrates the huge amount of opportunities for a career in the industry. 

Media Studies also benefits those who wish to develop careers in business, as well as the media industries. We cover marketing and communications, as well as creative and production skills. This means that studying Media helps to create transferable skills, such as analysis, working to a brief, team leadership and critical thinking.

With young people - and old - bombarded with information and “news”, 24-seven, a critical approach to what is on our screens is more important than ever, if we are to be educated and informed voters and citizens. Media Studies teaches students that all UK newspapers, and lots of what is online, has its own political bias which needs to be accounted for if we are to get anywhere near to a “truth”. Media Studies teaches students to critically assess where they receive information and to have the skills to challenge misinformation. 

Students who study Media can go on to careers in Marketing and Communications, business development, social media, Video Games, Film and TV and many more. This subject is becoming increasingly important for employers, as every business needs someone who is experienced in using and understanding media. Therefore, we believe that Media Studies is an essential subject to assist our students in their development of understanding the world at large.