Manor House News - October 2023
Almost half the term is over and we have enjoyed an amazing few weeks. Rising to the challenge of the Senior School the Year 9's have certainly stepped up to the mark and are currently throwing everything into the House Shout rehearsals. Certainly they know how to make a noise!
A couple of the girls have reflected on their time since joining Manor and there are associated photographs of the year group as a whole.
Joining Year 9 has been a great change and step up from the Prep School. At the start of the year I found some new activities that I do really enjoy. I have joined Polo and I really enjoyed the trial and will continue to do it for the rest of the Year. I joined the play Oliver. I’m really liking the activities and the opportunities the Senior School brings. I like how we can always have options to try new things.
By Manuella K
I have settled into Manor comfortably by being supported by my tutor and Manor staff. As someone coming over from the Prep School, I have found that there is much more freedom and opportunities available to me, such as taking co-curriculars and being able to visit other friends' houses in my free periods. My highlight so far has been House Shout rehearsals.
By Georgie W
Litter Picking: