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Ffrome Court Spring Concert Report - Tuesday 19 March

Ffrome Court Spring Concert Report - Tuesday 19 March

By Mrs R Clarke

Nearly 100 children performed in the Ffrome Court Concert on Tuesday 19 March and shared their wonderful musical talents with a packed audience. 

The Ffrome Court children have all worked very hard with their Music this term. Whether it be in the classroom learning about the Musical Elephants (Elements!), or studying the Carnival of the Animals, learning about Programme Music, composing 'mood music' or learning to play a string instrument, they have surpassed themselves. On top of this, many of our children play a musical instrument (some, more than one instrument!) and work hard at home each day to get better and better.

Our Year 4 children took to the stage to share their instrumental skills this term. They had all prepared solos on their instruments, which were performed with confidence. All four families of the Orchestra (strings, brass, woodwind and percussion, plus voice!) were performed in the concert, all with good tone, sense of dynamics and musicality. The children also shared their music in our different ensembles. The newly re-formed Ffrome Court Orchestra started our concert with two contrasting pieces played very well after only four rehearsals! The string group, recorder group and ukulele group showcased the work they have been doing this term - all absolutely brilliantly. To finish, the entire phase performed three songs which share the importance of being sustainable; to keep our seas free of plastic, to minimise global warming and save our planet to name but a few. The power of their voices brought many to tears (in a good way, and including me!), and it rounded off the concert very well indeed. 





We have so much talent coming through the School and this was certainly shared in our concert. This does not happen without determination, practice and stamina - things which are vital to making progress on our instruments. Progress will not be made by turning up to a music lesson each week and not practising in between - so I am very proud of all our children, and thankful to our Felsted Families for encouraging this. Music is so beneficial for everyone - the concentration on the performers faces certainly showed this, alongside the joy on the faces of the listeners.

Thank you to our Music Team for all their encouragement and support with our children. Have a fabulous Easter!


Two Felsted boarders in casual clothes in nook of bunk bed chatting.

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