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Escape Crow Castle: Reading Adventure Day

Escape Crow Castle: Reading Adventure Day

By Mrs L Galbraith, HoD English

On Wednesday, we were delighted to invite Years 4,5,6 and 7 to escape Crow Castle! Escape Crow Castle is an amazing event held in schools to engage pupils with books and generate a love of reading.

The Ross Hall was transformed, and many famous books were brought to life by combining live theatre, interactive videos, 3D designed backdrops, props and the original texts to put pupils right in the centre of  the stories and their own action-packed quest to escape the castle.

Within their reading adventure, the books were recreated as different rooms of the castle. The children worked tenaciously and creatively in teams and journeyed into the books that had been brought magically to life and searched for the hidden clues.

They needed to read, infer, comprehend, spell, scan, skim and riddle their way to freedom, or face the Crow Queen and be trapped in Crow Castle!

I am pleased to say that all children left the Ross Hall unscathed!

View more photos & videos of Crow Castle


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