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Edinburgh Hockey Tour 2024

Edinburgh Hockey Tour 2024

by Jo Westwood

It was time for another trip to Edinburgh this year with Years 7 and 8. We were all at Felsted bright and early to depart for our train journey from Peterborough. We arrived in Edinburgh ready for our tour to start and had a call saying our first set of matches had been cancelled. The coaches put their heads together and came up with some challenges, with Arthurs seat in the background the groups were tasked with the best team photo and a walk up the Royal Mile, the pupils had to buy their coaches an outfit for the evening.

Day 2, we played some hockey against Edinburgh Academy. We played 11a side game which was the first time for a lot of the pupils, there was some excellent hockey on show. Each team won their game which was a nice touch to the tour. During a visit to Edinburgh Castle, the historian Mr Mansfield was in his element. Then a nice recovery evening in Pizza Express. 

Day 3, we had a bit of time to shop for some last minute presents for parents and siblings. Then we went to the dungeons, we had a fantastic time with the coaches putting their acting skills to good use and we all managed to get out of there alive. A slight delay for the train, which was touch and go with the storm but we made it on time back to Felsted. 

Thank you to Miss Pollock, Mr Mansfield, Mr Golding-Fuller and Miss Westwood for the trip and all the pupils making it such an excellent time away. 


Two Felsted boarders in casual clothes in nook of bunk bed chatting.

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