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Drama Students Enjoy 'The Motive and the Cue' at the National Theatre

Drama Students Enjoy 'The Motive and the Cue' at the National Theatre

GCSE and A Level Drama pupils enjoyed a wonderful evening of theatre when they attended the National Theatre on 17 May to see 'The Motive and the Cue'.

The play was based on Richard Burton's famous performance of Hamlet in 1964, where Burton was ably directed by John Gielgud in a run of the show that has gone down in theatre history.  Jack Thorne's new play was a love letter to theatre exposing the creative anarchy that was part of Burton and Elizabeth Taylor's personal and professional life, whilst also charting Gielgud's personal strife and artistic endeavour in staging 'Hamlet'.  Pupils were unfamiliar with the real life famous couple along with Gielgud and so encountered the play in a way that fresh and engaging.  Half enjoyed the 'Hamlet' parts more, while half the pupils enjoyed the Burton and Taylor exchanges!  We look forward to more exciting theatre trips in the coming months.


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