Careers and Science Week

This March 2023, we have worked with Medical Mavericks to deliver an amazing Careers and Science Week.

Pupils have experienced live stream shows and medical related lessons. They have had the opportunity to use real medical kits and VR Headsets,  supported by peer mentoring and teaching across a number of year groups. They have questioned stereotypes, made links to Science to other curriculum subject areas and discovered a wealth of job opportunities in the medical field. 

As part of the focus on careers, Year 7 and 8 have watched a programme that looked at four different jobs within the NHS which were a little more obscure than doctors or nurses. The show 'The Human Guinea Pig' then took the pupils through these jobs by watching different procedures being carried out e.g. a bronchoscopy. 



Year 7 ran a Medical Experience lesson with Ffrome Court Pupils. Before the Year 3 and 4 pupils arrived, Year 7 spent time creating presentations to explain how the knee reflex, stethoscope and pupil reflex worked. Year 7 then showed how each of the tests took place and Year 4 had a go at each of them, with a little help!

Year 5 and 6 had the opportunity to work with Medical Mavericks to learn about ‘The Senses’. This looked at a range of small experiments that the pupils could complete on themselves. Such experiments included ‘The Taste Test’, ‘Finding the Blind Spot’, and ‘Pupil Reflex’. Pupils also had the chance to make their own batteries using cardboard, tin foil and pennies. They then tested them using a voltmeter. 



When asked about their experience the pupils said they “loved making the battery as it needed collaboration”. They also especially enjoyed the taste test because they were “amazed how clear the difference was” when holding their noses. 


Year 4 delivered an assembly on questioning stereotypes exploring the question who can be a scientist. 

Year 8 Learning Leaders teaching Year 2 about African Animals and the Great Fire of London through the VR experience. 

Cross-Curricular links in Science Week 

Both the Year 6 and Year 7 TEP lessons took on a scientific theme this week. 

Current Year 6 topic: ‘Is anything Eternal?’
In addition to exploring different religious ideas that are believed to be everlasting (everlasting love, the afterlife etc.) we also learnt about a creature on our planet that is not at all affected by age/time.



Current Year 7 topic: Evolution Vs. Creationism
We considered and learnt about the contribution of Mary Annings work to our understanding of the natural world that paved the way for our understanding of evolution. We also reflected on the injustice of her not getting the recognition she deserved in her time due to an unequal and class based society.