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Felsted CCF's New RSM

Felsted CCF's New RSM

By Rebecca G, Yr 13
I am in my 14th year at Felsted School and I am honoured to have been awarded the position of Regimental Sergeant Major in the schools Combined Cadet Force.

Since joining the cadets in Yr10 I have had a wonderful experience; attending 2 Summer camps, numerous range days and I was a member of the Combat Cadet team in 2019. The CCF has so many opportunities to offer and all cadets are able to work themselves up the ranks by taking part in activities and displaying good leadership skills. When I was awarded my first rank of Lance Corporal in Yr10 I could never have imagined becoming RSM. However, as my journey in the CCF progressed, it fuelled my desire to gain the position and so I am now extremely grateful and proud to be awarded the role.

The annual summer camp has always been a highlight of my year as it gives us cadets a chance to take part in activities that we would not usually get the chance to do on a Friday afternoon. Adventurous training is always a favourite, whether it be rock climbing, kayaking or caving. The camp always ends with a 24-hour exercise as we sleep in bashas, live off ration packs and prepare to ambush the enemy using blank rounds. It's also a great chance to meet other cadets from across the country and share experiences!

My best memory thus far was being selected to be a standard-bearer for the 2019 Remembrance Parade - remembering our fallen soldiers filled me with a great sense of pride and is a moment that I shall never forget.

Speaking from my personal experiences, I would say that being an active member of the CCF helps to develop vital skills such as leadership, gain confidence and allows students to integrate with other year groups.

I look forward to the year I will spend as RSM with anticipation. I hope to work alongside the U6th cadets to welcome new recruits and ensure that each cadet gains the very best from their time in the CCF, just as I have done.

CCF at Felsted 


Two Felsted boarders in casual clothes in nook of bunk bed chatting.

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