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Shola Akindayini (fmn 2009-19)

Shola Akindayini (fmn 2009-19)

What is your fondest memory of Felsted School?

My fondest memory was leaver’s ball. It was great to have an event sum up the decade I had spent at Felsted with the people I loved the most. 

Did a particular member of staff inspire you? 

Since I had been at the school for such a long time, there were many members of staff that played a role in inspiring me. Most particularly, Mrs Hancock was a support for me all the way from the prep school and actually was the main reason I got the bursary in the first place! As well as her, I really enjoyed my time with the Classics department (Miss McLaren, Mr Allan, Mr Rees), who had the time to really get to know our small class and both make the content fun and push us academically. 

How did your time at Felsted impact the path you have taken?

I was able to network early on and gain the pharmacy and hospital work experience I needed for my application to medical school. Beyond this, I think Felsted really helped me grow resilience to the amount of content that gets thrown at us in medicine. I also have made friends for life. 

How would you sum up your time at Felsted?

It was a great period of my life that I am so happy I was lucky enough to experience. I’m completely grateful to everyone who was in my corner from the beginning and showed me nothing but kindness.


Find out more about Bursaries at Felsted


Two Felsted boarders in casual clothes in nook of bunk bed chatting.

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