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Safi Coffee Pitch to Local 'Dilly Dally' Cafe

Safi Coffee Pitch to Local 'Dilly Dally' Cafe

by Martha L and Martha M, Safi Coffee Ambassadors

On 15 March, a group of 9 Safi Coffee ambassadors journeyed to Dilly Dally Café in Long Melford, Sudbury. The students had to prepare a multimedia presentation to explain the benefits of Safi Coffee and how it helps the children in Uganda.  It costs just £180 for schooling, food, boarding and part of their healthcare for a whole year! 

Dilly Dally Café is a wonderful place and we receive the warmest of welcome. We are hopeful for a developing partnership. As guidelines ease, we hope that the Safi Ambassadors can successfully introduce more and more businesses, shops, cafes and individuals to this life changing pupil led business.  We are really grateful to Dilly Dally for being our first external visit.

If we are able to introduce Safi to more and more people then we will be able to help more children daily - improving their school experience, reaching our goals of helping these children out of poverty and enabling them to reach their own goals and full potential. 


Here are some comments from pupils who attended the pitch:

“I liked the community and it was an amazing new experience, helping us work together as a team” - Ocean F (Year 7)

“Hot chocolate was amazing and the owners were very friendly - telling us about their journey” - Max O’S (Year 7)

“The future of Safi Coffee is in finding more and more partners and customers who will help pupils and young entrepreneurs in Uganda and the UK to realise our futures” - Hannah P (Year 10)

"We all have developed a genuine partnership with the Ugandan schools; it is not just about fundraising, but actively supporting and making a difference for everyone." - Petra S (Year 8)



Learn more about Felsted's Safi Coffee Project 


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