£2500 Raised From Felsted 2.6 Challenge So Far

On behalf of the Upper sixth we would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has helped with the #felsted 26 challenge so far. Within just one month you have helped us to raise £2500 a sum that will help Chess homelessness to develop their new nightshelter. We hope to help them purchase computers, beds, soft furnishings and help them develop a centre for life skills training and other vocational courses. 

It has been so amazing to have so much support and we have loved seeing your challenges so for that reason we are extremely grateful! 

Moving forward we would love to see how much more we can help support Chess during this difficult time so if you have not done so already please do get involved we would love to see what you can come up with! 

A representative from CHESS Homeless contacted us to say, "Thank you to the pupils and families of Felsted School who have been key to the momentum of our fundraising efforts.  We are very grateful."

Having seen the difference we have made within just one month we can only imagine what it would be like to continue this amazing effort into the future. Not only should we all continue to complete the #felsted26 challenge but also be aware of the other charities close to our hearts. In a little amount of time, our efforts have really helped in making a difference. The support which everyone has shown has been amazing and now we only ask that this remains the case. Please do continue to spread the word, post your challenges and donate to make someone’s life better. 

As a member of the Upper 6th I hope that this is a great legacy to leave behind as a celebration of our time at Felsted.  Many of the 6th Form are hoping to be able to help out at the new night shelter during the next few months to paint, clean, setting up and decorate so that it can be ready for winter when it will be a vital resource for our area.  I am sure we will learn a lot from the experience as well.  Let’s hope lock-down restrictions are eased so we are able to help as soon as possible.

Thank you for your help once again, please do keep supporting the 2.6 Challenge.   

Felsted 2.6 Challenge