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Senior Head's Blog: The Importance of Music

Senior Head's Blog: The Importance of Music

As I write this, I can hear the sound of Manor rehearsing their house song down the corridor.  They are sounding pretty good at the moment, but we will see what this evening brings for the other houses!  The 'House Shout' is a great opportunity for a house to pull together - a largely student run activity, but also one that challenges everyone to get up on stage and perform.  For some, it is about the music, and the quality of the Part Songs is always hugely impressive providing an opportunity for the musicians to show their worth.  With the house song, for some, it is about making a noise, while for others it is about not making too much noise!

House Singing 2022 - Garnetts House

Hopefully it provides a really good way to finish this half term.  It is the longest half term of the year, and for those who were part of the LEAP course, it has been nearly two months being away from home.  Hopefully, the houses have felt increasingly like a home away from home, and this evening will give a chance for the houses to work together and to build that house spirit further.  While I do appreciate that not everyone will be a musician, music is something that can bring people together, whether singing a hymn in chapel, participating in this evening's competition, or listening to the incredible skills that some others have in one of the many concerts and performances.  Music has an incredibly powerful impact on us, and being involved actively in music has been shown to enhance academic performance, while for those suffering with dementia, it is often favourite pieces of music that bring back memories.  While the understanding of the brain does not yet allow us to fully understand why this should be, it has been shown to happen in a number of studies, which appear to demonstrate the connection that we have to music.

As we finish for half term, I would like to wish everyone a restful break, and wish the very best to all those who are going on the various trips heading out, to Greece, Holland, New York, Los Angeles.  I look forward to hearing how these trips go.

We continue to offer our prayers to all those caught up in the dreadful situation in Israel and Palestine and hope that this situation will improve in the coming two weeks.

Chris Townsend,
Head, Felsted School

PS I will follow up on Labour policy on independent schools immediately after half term.  There have been a lot of different comments and statements in the last few days, and I would like to reflect on those before saying more for the moment.


Two Felsted boarders in casual clothes in nook of bunk bed chatting.

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