Prep Head's Blog: Stop! Look! Listen!
I wonder if this takes you back to learning how to cross the road when you were in school. The Green Cross Code and all the associated adverts and information clips were all designed to grab our attention and solidify the need to follow safe procedures.
More recently, we have been asked to ‘Think!’ in big yellow letters so that at any point near traffic, whether as a pedestrian or cyclist or road user, we are always reminded to think carefully about safe road use.
This week, I challenged our Prep students to think and be mindful about their road use. We spent time thinking about the decisions we can make that are within our control when using the road.
- Use of a crossing whenever possible
- Slowing down and taking time to think about decisions
- Not being distracted by mobile phones or listening to music
- Wearing a helmet/reflective clothing when cycling
These are examples of working together to think carefully about improving the awareness we have of our surroundings.
I have watched our children while they cross the road and I am continually impressed with their approach and their level of understanding of why it is important to respect these guidelines.
It is very important to note that the real work started in the first few years of life when children watched their families cross the road and the way in which you all continue to model this for them. As a school community, it is very clear that all our learners demonstrate a firm grasp of the safety measures; thank you all for your partnership in instilling this life skill.
I would like to end today by saying another thank you to our class representatives and I hope you have been able to read through the update shared with you following our meeting last week. As always, it was a pleasure to share updates and to talk about the development of our school together.
I wish you all a safe and restful Exeat weekend ahead.
With warm wishes,