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Prep Head's Blog: Small Acts of Kindness

Prep Head's Blog: Small Acts of Kindness

Dear Felsted Families,

This time last year, Vlad taught me about Mărțișor, an old tradition celebrated all over Romania every year on March 1st, which marks the beginning of Spring. I was fortunate enough to be presented once again with the red and white threads that are given as gifts as a symbol of wishing people a prosperous year ahead. I would like to extend my thanks for this wonderful and thoughtful gift.

Whilst attending the celebration assembly in Toad Hall last week, Millie brought bunches and bunches of daffodils to present to everyone to mark St. David’s Day, and may I wish all our families with Welsh ties; Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus!

These small acts of kindness can spread much joy, and I have to say that we have many examples of such actions across our entire Felsted community.

This week’s Neurodiversity Cafe was a further illustration of this, and a member of our Sixth Form shared his story with our parents, enabling them to grasp the importance of support for learning for those with neurodiverse needs at various stages of their learning career. His next steps may well include a place at St. Andrews, where philosophy and economics can continue to be areas of passion. A truly inspirational journey indeed.

Building the foundations for inspirational journeys are the stories and books we read and share. Today was a case in point. World Book Day this year included its usual array of costumes but with an equal and contrasting Mathematics theme! Over twenty 101 Dalmatians were spotted in the assembly today following a rather heated debate between Mr. Gray and Mrs. Galbraith about whether Maths or English ‘rules!’

Ultimately, I believe that reading across all areas of learning is our strongest foundation. Great readers make great writers, and I was absolutely astounded last week when Aaron came to share his piece of writing inspired by Michael Morpugo’s novel, ‘War Horse.’ I thought I would share a small excerpt with you all.

“Awaiting the ominous call of the bugle with grim anticipation, the fleet of soldiers stared silently into the abyss of nothingness. We took our positions, braced ourselves, and scrambled up the festering ladder.

Harsh strands of wire curled endlessly upon the barricades. Acrid wisps of smoke rose from the burning maze of fire littering the ground below. Strewn debris emerged from the wasteland like towering monuments in the mist. My last thoughts, which will forever remain; may God guide me ever after.”

An inspirational week all round, and as we head towards our penultimate week of the term, I know our performers and players will be seeking to get excellent rest ahead of their spectacular performances and a pretty amazing final.

I hope to see many of you this evening as we welcome Spring in the Felsted tradition!

Let’s Swing into Spring!

Warm wishes,

Miranda Norris


Two Felsted boarders in casual clothes in nook of bunk bed chatting.

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