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Prep Head's Blog: Felsted's Culture of Kindness

Prep Head's Blog: Felsted's Culture of Kindness

Dear Felsted Families,

We have begun this New Year by reminding ourselves of our shared values (easily captured by FAIR-W for those who like an acronym). During the assembly on Tuesday, I asked Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 if they could remember the 5 Felsted values and was, as ever, heartened by the children’s accuracy and earnest responses.

Interestingly, one pupil did suggest that kindness should also be a value and this got me thinking a little more deeply. We talk about kindness regularly and with our commitment to noticing when things go well, we recognise kind acts. There is a danger however, that we assume that everyone is kind by default; this assumption characterised by our surprise when people are actively unkind.

I love likening kindness to muscles and how important it is to strengthen and practice acts of kindness. Habits are formed through repetition but value driven habits are arguably formed through mindful repetition.

During chapel this week, Rev Little reminded us about loving your neighbour and linked it to the foundations of Felsted alongside ‘Garde Ta Foy.’

During this 460th anniversary year, we will have many opportunities to think about our heritage, our shared values and our belief in learning for the future. Lord Riche’s collect states that ‘the youth’ should be ‘broughhte upp in the knowledge of goode lernying.’ Understanding what good learning looks like, and how to achieve good learning that equips children for the world of tomorrow, will always be the work of Felsted.

As we move forward into the Spring term, my hope is that we continue to build our culture of kindness and make a difference to our neighbours both near and far. Looking ahead, we have many more opportunities to help our learners connect with service projects, charity events and awareness days that will help build those important habits of thinking of others.

Wishing you all a happy and safe 2024 and I look forward to seeing you over the days and weeks ahead.

With warm wishes,



Two Felsted boarders in casual clothes in nook of bunk bed chatting.

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