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Prep Head's Blog: Be The Best You

Prep Head's Blog: Be The Best You

Dear Felsted Families,

The theme of 'The Fragility of Freedom' has been central to our League-led chapel services, and this week, Grignon League leaders focused on Maya Angelou and her remarkable life. Much of her story serves as an inspiration, and one particular quote resonated beautifully:

"Try to be all you can be to be the best human being you can be. Try to be that in your church, in your temple. Try to be that in your classroom. Do it because it is right to do."

Once again, the delivery of the message this week was superb, and it was a privilege to witness our pupil leaders in action as always.

Expanding on leadership in action, we had a very special visit this week from some members of our 1st XV rugby team who joined our Prep rugby practice. The boys generously gave up some of their free time, and it was a wonderful experience for the Prep rugby players.

The partnership between Senior and Prep exemplifies the strength of Felsted’s whole school ethos. "Swing into Spring" is no exception, and the collaboration between Prep and Senior was simply stunning last week. The excellent work of the entire music team enabled students of all ages to shine!

Events such as this require time, patience, and an incredible amount of hard work, requiring support from all departments across the school. It's truly a full team effort!

The anticipation leading up to any finale is well worth the wait, and today with our Frozen cast and our Twickenham team - we certainly have a day to remember!

May I also take this opportunity to send Ramadan Mubarak wishes to all our Felsted Families who are celebrating this month.

Miranda Norris

PS. Don’t forget to wear a splash (or more) of red tomorrow to help celebrate Red Nose Day in style!


Two Felsted boarders in casual clothes in nook of bunk bed chatting.

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