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Prep Head's Blog: An Exceptional Year

Prep Head's Blog: An Exceptional Year


Dear Felsted Families,

And so it comes to the final newsletter of another exceptional year. I would like to end with a quote:

"Today is the oldest you’ve ever been, and the youngest you’ll ever be again."

We are all living this year, this day, this hour for the first time in our lives. What we choose to make of it is up to us.

Your children have learned so much across all areas of the curriculum, but the most important learning has taken place during the challenging moments. These are when characters can be built. How we respond to opportunities and obstacles alike, is what helps shape our approach to the future.

I would like to say thank you to all our learners, staff, and families who continue to work collaboratively and for the benefit of Felsted so we can be the best we can be… together!

I leave you with those all-important school dates, the prospect of rest and relaxation with family, and the wonderful summer tasks of labelling new uniforms for next year.

To our departing families, may I repeat my wish for you all to make wonderful new friends but also to keep in touch.

Garde Ta Foy!

Miranda Norris


Two Felsted boarders in casual clothes in nook of bunk bed chatting.

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