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Young Engineers Leaders Award

Young Engineers Leaders Award

This week our Year 6 pupils had the opportunity to find out what it takes to become an engineer. They listened to Cat Butterworth discuss her experiences studying engineering at university and her career in the automotive industry.

Pupils enjoyed discussing cars of the future and how technology can be transferable across different areas e.g. would you want an Alexa in the car?

Finding out about engineering is a key part of the Young Leaders Award which the Year 6 pupils are working towards. Part of their project involves answering the question ‘What would you invent?’

Previous award entries have resulted in Felsted pupils winning regional and national awards for their inventions. The Year 6 pupils were certainly inspired by Cat and we look forward to seeing their creative ideas develop.

Design Technology at Felsted 


Two Felsted boarders in casual clothes in nook of bunk bed chatting.

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