Students’ French poetry published by Routes into Languages East

Felsted's Toby S and Teddy T (Year 10) have been shortlisted in the Mother Tongue Other Tongue poetry competition.

Mother Tongue Other Tongue is a multilingual poetry competition which celebrates cultural diversity and the many languages spoken in schools throughout the country. Led by Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy, this project offers students the opportunity to submit a poem which can be written either in their first language, where this is not English (Mother Tongue), or in a language that is not the first language spoken by the person writing it (Other Tongue). 

This year, Toby and Teddy submitted poems in French. Toby wrote an acrostic about France whilst Teddy wrote an adjective poem about mushrooms! Both were shortlisted by the judges and their poems will feature in the published anthology, which will be sent out this term. In addition to this, the boys and their families were invited to attend the Cambridge Festival where the presenter was Slam Poet Champion, Joelle Taylor, who gave performances of her own poems, before announcing the winners. 

Both Toby and Teddy were delighted to be shortlisted and we are looking forward to receiving the anthologies featuring their poems. 

Ma France, by T Stringer

France est belle
Rouge, bleu et blanc, les couleurs de son drapeau 
Acteurs, musiciens, héros sportifs et chefs, la France les a tous
Ntamack, comme son père, joue au rugby pour Les Bleus
Côtes, cascades, montagnes et lacs
Ensemble avec le cockerell, la France est faite

Les champignons by Teddy T

Les champignons.
Les champignons sont bons.
Les champignons sont bons, marron,
Sont bons, marron, les champignons,
Je t’adore, mes champignons,