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Science CREST Awards & Chemistry Olympiad Success

Science CREST Awards & Chemistry Olympiad Success

by Ms H Mollison, Head of Science

The Science department has had so much to celebrate over the last term from recognition of CREST projects, progress made with online learning and welcoming students and staff back to school. We are proud to share some of these things with you…

CREST Discovery Awards were completed by Oliver T, Harrison W, Arturo W, Valentina T F and Jessica S. Certificates for their submission have been awarded for their 'Design and Green Transport Policy' project.

These awards take 5+ hours to complete and gives students the freedom to run their own projects. 

‘The project helped me to understand more about green transport and the environmental impact of our current transport’ (Arturo W)

‘In environmentalism we did different discoveries about the average of carbon footprints produced by a person, what we have to do to reduce carbon footprints, we created our own green transport policy and we also did an experiment about comparing different fuels’ (Valentina T F, Yr 10)

Please click here to see Valentina’s work

Meanwhile, two silver and three bronze RSC Chemistry Olympiad certificates awarded to our Year 12 Chemists - Annabel S, Connor O’T and Sana A-J.

Science at Felsted


Two Felsted boarders in casual clothes in nook of bunk bed chatting.

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