PSHE at Felsted Prep - A curriculum for Personal and Social Development
By Mr A Manley, Head of PSHE at Felsted Prep
PSHE, (Personal Social and Health Education), continues to have a vital place within the ethos of our Prep School across all four Phases. It is a subject, led by each of the Form Tutors, which equips our pupils with essential tools and skills that help them to prepare for their daily lives in, outside and beyond School. Whilst there are written tasks, a majority of PSHE’s effectiveness revolves around in-class dialogue and discussion between staff and pupils. Videos, scenarios and teamwork exercises are also therefore used as a stimulus for this to happen.
Our Curriculum is built around the three Core Themes of the PSHE Association: Health & Wellbeing, Relationships & Living in the Wider World. PSHE is a subject that requires adaptability and a clear response to situations that are happening around us. For example, at the beginning of term, PSHE sessions focussed fully on equipping pupils with positive Mental Health strategies, in light of returning from our first Lockdown. Furthermore, last week we held another successful ‘Anti-bullying Week’ programme, where all pupils were invited to wear Odd-Socks but also to engage with different anti-bullying themed activities during PSHE time.
In line with Government guidance by Summer 2021, Relationships & Health Education is to become compulsory in all primary schools in England and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) compulsory in all secondary schools. Our PSHE sessions continue to be planned around this evolving guidance and we have just completed a successful cycle of RSE sessions for our Year 7 pupils, overseen by myself and our Prep School Nurse, Vikki Machell.
Please do not hesitate to get in contact with me ( if you would like to learn more about our PSHE Curriculum at Felsted Prep