MedSoc - A Busy Start to the Term

It has been a busy start to the term for the Felsted Medical Society (MedSoc). The Year 10 team (now Year 11) of Valentina, Claudia, Shesh (manager), Deborah and Poppy were commended for their British Heart Foundation/Imperial College entry for the 'Science at Heart' school team prize. The competition encouraged the collaboration of pupils with different strengths and development of STEAM skills. 

MedSoc members have presented at two short chapel services, inspired by the work of the charity, Jeans for Genes, which raises awareness of genetic disorders and supports those affected directly and their families. Sickle Cell Anaemia was the disorder focused upon in chapel. It was pleasing to see pupils being willing to speak in chapel even if this put them out of their comfort zone. Thank you to Lockie, Ariyan, Molly, Shesh and Muriel.

We welcomed our youngest members, Anna and Sissy, who got involved straight away with a dissection of a heart. Members are now researching Coronary Heart Disease for an upcoming presentation and discussion on the importance in a patient’s care of a Multidisciplinary Team. 

The U6 have been refining their personal statements and this week’s BMAT (pre-interview assessment for some medical schools) preparation focussed on the Physics component.

I reported to members on the success stories of the 2021 entrants and  also provided an update on Izzy, a 2020 leaver. who has just embarked on Neuroscience/Pre-Med at the ivy league Columbia University in the City of New York - quite a change from the Felsted bubble to the Big Apple!

Academic at Felsted