Dyson and Deloitte Offers for Felsted Boys
Two ambitious Year 13 boys have been rewarded with some top offers for their future education. William Alexander, is to be one of the first undergraduate engineering students at the Dyson Institute of Engineering & Technology. Set up by Sir James Dyson OM CBE himself, with support from the Government, William sailed through a tough day of assessments and a final interview to be awarded one of only 32 places.
At Dyson, he will be mentored by ‘real’ scientists and engineers, world experts in their field, taught alongside academics from Warwick University. Working on ‘live’ projects, William will be inventing new, real-world technology which will end up in homes around the world. Sir James described William as having ‘exactly the right mind-set and academic rigour of a Dyson engineer’. William is a Design Technology Scholar at Felsted, where he has studied since the age of four, gaining a strong set of GCSEs along the way.
Although I received some great offers from Bath and Edinburgh Universities, I am delighted to accept this exciting offer from the Dyson Institute. Felsted School has supported me in developing my interests in mechanical engineering and this I believe is what the assessors picked up on. Although I am focussed on securing my predicted grades of A*s and As in Maths, Further Maths, DT and Physics A Levels, I am really looking forward to starting with Dyson in September.
William Alexander
Will has all of the attributes needed to be a very successful design engineer. He has led the way in our A level Product Design classes over the past two years, producing design work and products that combine the latest gadget technologies as well as using high level machining and manufacturing technologies.
Mick Pitts, Head of DT at Felsted
Equally happy is Luke Johnson, who has been offered a place with Deloitte’s on their BrightStart Higher Apprenticeship Programme. Bypassing university and leaping straight into a professional ‘earn-while-you-learn’ career, Luke will be a qualified accountant within five years. Luke joined Felsted as an Academic Scholar from a local state school, where he gained 15 GCSEs! Luke was particularly bowled over by the passion of the Maths teachers at Felsted on their Open Day and has not looked back since joining. Luke is currently on track to secure his offer of ABB, as he is predicted to gain A*s and A in his Maths, Further Maths, Business Studies and Geography A Levels.
I am so happy to have secured my future career at this stage and have really appreciated the support Felsted have provided in preparing me for the tough assessment centre and partner interviews. I also received a great offer from Warwick University to read Maths, but Deloitte’s offer of a career path whilst studying is one that I have no hesitation in accepting.
Luke Johnson