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DT students show their Creative Flair

DT students show their Creative Flair

Felsted's Year 11 students following the DT pre-A Level course completed a design challenge to show off their abilities with the CAD package Onshape.

A task which involved all students working together collaboratively and using communications over the internet resulted in a stylish design for a chess set with each student taking responsibility for a different chess piece.

Once put together on a chess board, this modern way of working shows what can be achieved in a short space of time using methods that professional designers use on a daily basis. Tom S and Maddie G saw a successful conclusion to the exercise as Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader respectively.


In year 10, students have been finishing off a hanging mobile project which gave the opportunity to work towards a practical outcome whilst working from home. Meanwhile, Year 9 have been considering design movements and were then challenged with the design and manufacture of a picture frame using materials that they had access to at home. Some of the outcomes are excellent and demonstrate just how much imagination and creativity our students have.


Two Felsted boarders in casual clothes in nook of bunk bed chatting.

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