Coding Team Challenge
By Mrs E Abegglen, Felsted's Head of Computer Science
Just before February half term a number of Year 10 & 11 GCSE Computer Science students took part in the first round of the Perse Coding Team Challenge.
Normally all students enter as teams, but given the current situation, adjustments were made to allow the competition to go ahead as usual but in a slightly different format. Working solo or as teams of two, the students had to try to solve 7 coding challenges in 40 minutes.
Congratulations to the following students who achieved Distinctions and have been invited to the final round, which will take place in school towards the end of March: Toby C, Year 11, Thomas B, Year 11, Archie H, Year 11, Ambrose L, Year 10.
Special mention also to the students who achieved Merits: Henry S, Year 11, Josh T, Year 10, Oscar T, Year 10.