CCF Awards
Last term Louis S was officially awarded the CCF RSM's pace stick!
Louis comments "It has been a huge honour to receive the RSM pace stick from my previous RSM Rebecca. I will do my best to ensure I carry it with pride and hope to be as good as the RSM’s before myself. It's only now that I carry the pace stick and truly feel the pride of my role within the Felsted CCF."
On the same day, the first presentation of the Grymonprez Award was presented to Cadet Martha L for the most dedicated female cadet.
OF Rebecca presented the award, "It was a pleasure to return back to the CCF prize giving event last term in order to award the Grymonprez trophy for the most dedicated female cadet. The idea of the award is to encourage more girls into the CCF and was awarded to a very deserving Year 11 student, Martha L."
"I also had the opportunity to hand over the pace stick to this year’s RSM, Louis Stewart and so I wish him, along with the rest of the cadets, all the best for the remainder of the year."