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One Tribe

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

In 2021 we joined One Tribe Global! As a global community, we want to do everything we can to help preserve our rainforests and protect our planet. 

Our Commitment

  • With every individual admissions registration, we will donate a monetary percentage that equates to protecting around 70 trees in the Amazon rainforest. 
  • With our overseas trips, we will commit to donate a percentage of costs to save trees and protect our planet.


Felsted's Tree Counter

OneTribe - Climate Action Counter



How Does One Tribe Work?




Did You Know?

  • One Football field of rainforest is lost every second of every day due to deforestation
  • Deforestation releases as much carbon as the entire global transportation sector each year.
  • 80,000 acres of tropical rainforest are lost every day
  • The majority of the world’s plants and animals are found in rainforests
  • Tropical deforestation accounts for up to 15% of net global carbon emissions each year
  • Trees convert CO2 to Carbon, storing it in their trunks, root and in the soil
  • When trees are deforested they stop absorbing carbon and release stored carbon into our atmosphere
  • Tropical rainforests are the lungs of our planet
  • Halting tropical deforestation and allowing regrowth could mitigate 50% of global emissions by 2050
  • Each Tree protected stores carbon and is home to wildlife form Parrots to Beetles
  • 70% of the known cancer-fighting plants that exist only in the rainforest.
