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Lorem Ipsum Dolor

At Felsted we recognise the responsibility that each and every one of us has to protect the planet for the benefit of future generations. In order to make a difference to the world today and tomorrow, the entire Felsted community has embraced the ‘Felsted for a Sustainable Future’ initiative. 

Our pupils lead the way

Across the whole school, initiatives are being suggested, organised and implemented by our pupils.

Our Eco Committee and a team of Sustainability Reps from all year groups in the school are supported by our dedicated Head of Sustainability. Together, they enthuse the school community to be more sustainable and carry out activities that really make a difference, such as: 

  • Sowing wildflower seeds on a corner of the school grounds to help the natural eco-system

  • Planting new trees in the Pre-Prep garden 

  • Litter-picks in the local area 

  • A survey of recycling to make sure as many items as possible are being re-used  

  • A full sustainability survey across the school

  • Taking responsibility for the world continues to be a key theme in lessons and activities for even the youngest pupils at Felsted 

School-Wide Eco Initiatives

Reducing single-use cups on school site

Contact lens recycling

Plastic-free sanitary products


of our electricity comes from renewable sources

Biodegradable medical ice-packs

Making a difference to our environment one tree at a time

Second Hand Uniform Shop onsite

Lights switched off when buildings not in use

Compostable & reusable cutlery

OneTribe Partnership

Felsted's Tree Counter

OneTribe - Climate Action Counter



In 2021 Felsted committed to the One Tribe Partnership, helping our community make a difference to the sustainability of our planet. With every admissions registration to Felsted, and for every long haul overseas school trip, we will donate a percentage of the transaction to One Tribe. Each individual registration or school trip will equate to around 70 trees being protected by One Tribe and their conservation charity partners. 

Find out more about Felsted and One Tribe

Felsted for a Sustainable Future

This is a school-wide consideration of the impact on the planet of everything we do. Through measures including the greater use of sustainable materials, recycling, energy efficiency and encouraging the local ecosystem to flourish, our aim is to ensure that our school’s footprint on the environment is lighter.

The Felsted community of pupils, families and staff is committed to making a difference in the world and also to the world, by protecting our planet for the benefit of the generations who follow us. However, we know we need to do more. 

In addition to our existing eco-friendly measures is a raft of new initiatives, aimed at reducing waste, promoting sustainability and encouraging our ecosystem to flourish. 


Latest Eco-Friendly News