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Making a Difference

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor

‘Making a difference’ is key to the ethos at Felsted.

Every member of our community – pupils, parents, staff and OFs – should strive to be an active member of every community of which they are a part. Locally, regionally, nationally and globally, Felsted makes a positive difference to the lives of others.

This difference is achieved in a variety of ways. Many of our initiatives are pupil-led and provide valuable experience for our young people as they prepare to leave school and continue to make a difference in the adult world. 

Through sharing our educational expertise and facilities, engaging in charity fundraising and volunteering, developing community partnerships and caring for our environment, our school makes a contribution to society that results in a tangible positive impact on the lives of many people, near and far.

Felsted's support can be split into three broad categories:

Charity Partners

Pupils participating in a Colour Run at a private school near Cambridge

Community Outreach


Felsted pupils tree planting.


Felsted's Bursary Fund

We know that individual potential is spread evenly across the community, but the means to make the most of that potential is not. In a society that is looking increasingly divided, we want to do much more to build equity, foster talent, and transform individual life chances. 

Learn more

Partnership with Royal Docks Academy

For over a hundred years, the links between The Ascension Church and the Felsted School Mission in the East End of London have continued to grow and develop.

The Ascension Church works with the local community providing youth activities, promoting fitness and social interaction. 

Click here to find out more

Making a Difference - News and Information