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Computer Science

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Computer Science education is a core component of Felsted’s Academic Curriculum, starting from Reception and continuing through to GCSE and A Levels.

The aim of Computer Science at Felsted is to ensure students are proficient in computers and their usage, understand the workings, and can apply their knowledge for research and presentation in various subjects. 

Felsted’s ever-evolving Computer Science program prepares students to be the leaders of tomorrow in the technology field and allows those with a passion for the subject to compete on the world stage via competitions and enhanced co-curricular activities including robotics, e-Sports and videogame design. 

Felsted leverages Google’s technology to enhance teaching and learning through Google Classroom. With specialist technicians available to assist teachers and students, and a dedicated Computer Science Centre located at the Senior School site, Felsted is nationally recognised as a leader in Computer Science education.


Curriculum Computer Science

I was heavily involved in the Felsted Computer Society, where we learnt the basics of computing and undertook several exciting projects. Felsted had an old mainframe computer, but by the time I left it had one of the first Ethernet networks and several of the first personal computers. This was more than a decade before PCs and networks became common so it was ground breaking technology for the time.

I mapped out a plan before I even took my O-levels to study for a PhD, and become a researcher in one of the cutting edges of computing, Artificial Intelligence. And strangely enough, that's what I did. I now find myself working on AI projects at Australia's leading computer science research lab. I would say that Felsted provided me with a strong academic foundation and confidence in my abilities. These have helped me in a peripatetic career that has taken me across the globe.

Professor Toby Walsh, Felsted 1977-92
Deputy Director of Cork Constraint Computation Centre

Computer Science News