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The sight of tennis being played on the Fosters Chapel Grass Courts, 14 Astro Courts and 8 Hard courts on a Summer afternoon really is idyllic. Not only is tennis on the curriculum in the Summer Term, but the school’s Tennis Academy coaches, work with players all year round to keep them at the top of their game, ready for competition in all the key annual championships.

Tennis is a main Summer sport (alongside cricket) for girls and boys and experienced coaches offer individual feedback to players of all abilities in the interests of developing their skills.
Pupil hitting tennis balls for practice


Lorem Ipsum Dolor
At Felsted, Tennis has a wealth of coaching resources to help players of all levels to achieve their full potential on the court. For elite players, Felsted offers a combined academic and tennis programme, tailored to the individual, as well as weekly intensive coaching sessions (for an additional cost).


Tennis Scholarships

Tennis players showing potential are invited to apply for a Felsted Sports Scholarship, which are offered at Year 7, Year 9 and Year 12.

Find out more and apply

Senior girls' tennis team pose for photo before game
Two boys celebrate with fist bump at tennis nets

Tennis News