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Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Both boys and girls play hockey at Felsted and school teams enjoy success, locally, nationally (the girls’ first team were national champions in 2022) and even internationally.

Standout individual players have been nurtured at Felsted over the years and many have been selected to represent their county and even their country in competition at the highest level.

Character development is a large part of Felsted’s hockey philosophy and the aim is to instil a love of the game at an early age and to encourage life-long participation.



National Hockey Champions

Felsted’s U16 girls’ hockey team were crowned National Champions in the England Hockey T2 National Hockey Tournament 2022 after a 1-0 win against Scarborough College.

Hockey is introduced to all pupils in Year 4 and is on the sports programme in the Autumn Term for girls and the Spring Term for boys, although coaching sessions are provided all year round. Felsted’s Hockey Professional, Welsh international Jo Westwood, coaches boys and girls at all levels. A healthy hockey fixture list means matches are played against other schools from Years 5 to 13.

A core sport taught as part of the sports programme in the Senior School, girls and boys have plenty of opportunity to hone their hockey skills with the help of highly qualified coaches, a depth of teams and plentiful fixtures.  In the Senior School, coaching sessions take place in the non-fixture terms. Summer League Hockey is also a very popular weekly activity in the Summer Term.


Hockey Scholarships

Hockey players showing potential are invited to apply for a Felsted Sports Scholarship, which are offered at Year 7, Year 9 and Year 12.

Find out more and apply


Hockey Partnerships

Felsted has a close association with Braintree Hockey Club, the junior section of which uses Felsted's pitches for training and matches throughout the year. 
Girls' hockey players in goal for corner

Hockey News