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Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award – widely known as DofE - is central to the Co-Curricular provision at Felsted.

We have one of the most active school groups in the country and participating numbers are so high that we have our own DofE Operating Authority. This ensures that our students really make the most of the many benefits DofE has to offer.  

The vast majority of Felsted’s Year 10 students complete the Bronze Award each year, while over half of Year 11 students complete the Silver Award. 20 to 30 Sixth Formers each year complete the prestigious Gold Award, which is presented to them by a member of the Royal Family at St James’s Palace.

Working my way through from Bronze to Gold was a huge personal achievement whilst at school. The expeditions increased in toughness and you really got to know your strengths and weaknesses as a result, all things that have increased my confidence and resilience.

Felsted DofE tents piched at sunrise.

DofE News