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Sixth Form Subject Guide

Welcome to our virtual Sixth Form Subject Guide. The subjects listed below reflect our current Sixth Form curriculum, but these are reviewed annually and may change. Please take some time to read through the subject information and watch the videos below. 

Choosing your Subjects: the Options Process

The deadline for the submission of your preferred subjects is January of the year of entry. This date will be communicated to you via our Admissions team.

For current Felsted pupils, this is done through iSAMS; however these choices must then be validated by a parent/guardian (also on iSAMS). The deadline is immediately following the Year 11 Parents’ meeting to enable you and your parents to discuss the suitability of your preferred choices with your subject teachers and tutor.

External applicants should submit their options using the form provided by the Admissions Department. Please contact the Academic Office if you have any queries with your subject choices.

BTEC: We also offer a BTEC in Sport, either as a Diploma (which is the equivalent of two A Levels) or as the National Extended Certificate (which is the equivalent of one A Level). Either BTEC course can then be combined with one or two A Level subjects respectively, along with the EPQ.

Every effort is made to ensure that a wide range of subject combinations are available and that a pupil’s first choice of subjects can be met. Where it is not possible, the Deputy Head (Academic) will inform all concerned at the earliest opportunity and the reserve subject will be used. Once the option blocks have been fixed, based on the choices initially submitted, it may not be possible to change options. Furthermore, a subject may be withdrawn if there is insufficient demand.

IB Diploma or A Levels?

Before you make your subject choices we suggest you familiarise yourself with the IB and A Level curriculums, to make sure you have chosen the pathway that most suits your needs. Please watch the two video introductions below.

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All the subjects offered at Felsted Sixth Form are listed below. Use the tabs to filter subjects by pathway. Each subject will contain a video introduction from the Head of Department followed by the IB course or A Level course information, or both if offered by both pathways. The IB content will always show first followed by A Level.  


Contact Information

Sixth Form Admissions (16+ Entry)

IB Diploma Curriculum

Felsted senior pupils working on laptop in classroom.

A Level Curriculum

Felsted pupil smiling to friend during group work in lesson.

Careers and Higher Education

Felsted senior pupils sitting at desk in classroom listening to teacher out of shot.