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IB Curriculum

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

A stimulating academic alternative to A Levels, the International Baccalaureate Diploma is respected around the world and opens the door to top UK and international universities and careers.

Felsted was one of the first schools in the UK to embrace the IB Diploma and our decades of experience has resulted in provision that successfully prepares our students to achieve impressively high marks. The IB programme at Felsted offers an exciting and demanding combination of academic depth with a breadth of elements designed to encourage the development of young people as active, compassionate, lifelong learners.


The IB definitely helped me get into Oxford. The Oxbridge application process is all about constantly expanding your knowledge and drawing links between seemingly opposing areas of knowledge and understanding those relationships. The IB meets that perfectly in having so many subjects to choose from and allowing you to follow your own interests with the Extended Essay and Internal Assessments.


Former Felsted IB Student

About the IB Diploma Programme

Why Study the IB at Felsted?

Academic Opportunity

The IB Diploma is a well-respected qualification that is recognised world-wide by universities and employers. Research shows that IB graduates are more likely to be enrolled in top educational institutions.


Encourages Independence

The extended essay requires independent research and in-depth study, encouraging students to be creative and have confidence in their decisions. 


Global Perspectives

Studying both literature and at least one foreign language, Felsted IB pupils are excellent communicators – articulate on paper as well as in person.


Critical Thinking

Candidates don't just memorise facts for exams, they learn to analyse and exaluate issues, generating ideas and considering new perspectives.

IB Diploma Average Score

A Selection of our IB Diploma Success Stories

Sixth Form Subject Guide

Sixth Formers in Felsted Science lesson with goggles.

Sixth Form Admissions (16+ Entry)

Sixth Form pupils working in Marshall Centre.

A Level Curriculum

Felsted pupil smiling to friend during group work in lesson.


Boarders smiling around dining room table.