Support for Learning (SfL)
Our aims
The Support for Learning Department provides outstanding support to students at Felsted with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) in order for them to be suitably challenged and fulfil their potential in a safe environment. Please provide relevant reports (Ed Psych, medical and school) to the Admissions Team when applying so we can assess if we can support your child. We can arrange meetings with our SfL Team as part of your admissions visit to discuss any relevant learning needs.
How do we do this?
- We provide in class support where appropriate.
- We teach in small groups of 3 or 4. Year 9 have lessons instead of studying a second Modern Foreign Language (4 lessons a fortnight). Year 10/11 opt for SfL and take one less GCSE (6 lessons a fortnight). Sixth Form have 4 individual lessons a fortnight with a specialist teacher. These lessons incur an additional charge.
- We undertake psychometric testing to assess students for access arrangements for public examinations. This mainly involves extra time for those who qualify under the JCQ regulations.
- We liaise with outside agencies where necessary.
- We write IEPs (Individual Education Plans) for those students who have SfL lessons.
- We provide prep support on a Tuesday afternoon between 15.30-16.30 and on Thursday evening between 19.00-18.30 in the SfL Department.
- We liaise with parents and teachers on a regular basis. Parents are invited in each term for a meeting to discuss their child’s progress. Tutors and Housemasters or Housemistresses are invited to these meetings too.
Contact Information
Mr Jeff Hipkin, Senior School, Head of Support for Learning
Mrs Georgina Clifford-Smith, Prep School, Head of Support for Learning & SENCO