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Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Key Stage 3 (Ages 11-14)

This important transitional stage of learning comprises Years 7, 8 and 9 and is well supported at Felsted through a seamless cross-over between Prep and Senior. 

Current Year 6 pupils are joined by many newcomers for an expanded Year 7 and Year 8, forming a self-contained phase at the top of Felsted Prep. Lessons are taught by subject-specialist teachers and pupils use many of the Senior facilities. 

Pupils then progress to Year 9 across the road on the Senior campus. Here they continue their Key Stage 3 learning and are introduced to new teachers and experiences including the house system, an extensive co-curricular programme, and opportunities for greater leadership and independence. Joiners at Year 9 explore this exciting new environment with them, and together they begin to focus on the path towards GCSEs and beyond. 

Useful Links

Admissions (11+ Entry)

Three Felsted Prep pupils sat on a bench outside with Head Miranda Norris smiling and chatting.

Admissions (13+ Entry)

Felsted pupil smiling as they look at a laptop.

Overseas Admissions

Pupils working on laptops at a private sixth form school in Essex


Pupils working on a laptop at a senior boarding school in Essex.